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Good health is on the cards!

Tap into a world of wellness with our carefully curated health first cards!

Enjoy free consultations, checkups, and more. 

Choose a plan that you like!

Complimentary Online Doctor Consultations


Complimentary Health Checkup

In-Person Doctor Consultation

MediBuddy Concierge Services

Personal Accident Cover

Family Coverage

Primary Owner


2 Free Doc Consults (General Physicians)

1 Free MediBuddy Smart Health Checkup

1 Free Dental Consult

Available for all conditional management services

Up to ₹1 Lakh

MediBuddy Shield: Six Months Card at Rs. 3600 Rs. 1499 +GST

Complimentary Online Doctor Consultations


FREE Complimentary Health Checkup

In-Person Doctor Consultation

MediBuddy Concierge Services

Personal Accident Cover

Monthly Blogs

Bi-Monthly Webinar & QnA (Health-Related)

Exclusive Offers

Family Eligibility

Primary Owner


4 Free Doc Consults (General Physicians)

1 Smart Health Checkup + 1 Basic Health checkup

1 Free Dental Consult

Available for all conditional management services

Up to ₹1 Lakh

Health Blogs, Onepagers etc (via WhatsApp)

Access to Exclusive Sessions

Avail discounts on all the Condition Management Programs

MediBuddy Shield Plus: One-Year Card at Rs. 10,000 Rs. 2599 +GST

Buy NowBuy Now

Good health

is on the cards!

Say hello to your

Say hello to your

Good health is on the cards!

Good health

is on the cards!

Say hello to your

Tap into a world of wellness with our carefully curated health first cards!

Enjoy free consultations, checkups, and more. 

Choose a plan that you like!

MediBuddy Shield:

Six Months Card at Rs. 3600 Rs. 1499 +GST


Family Coverage


Complimentary Online Doctor Consultations

2 Free Doc Consults (General Physicians)

Complimentary Health Checkup

1 Free MediBuddy Smart Health Checkup

MediBuddy Concierge Services

Available for all conditional management services

In-Person Doctor Consultation

1 Free Dental Consult

Personal Accident Cover

Primary Owner

Up to ₹1 Lakh

Buy Now

Medibuddy Shield Plus:

One-Year Card Rs. 10,000 Rs. 2599 +GST


Family Eligibility


Complimentary Online Doctor Consultations

4 Free Doc Consults (General Physicians)

FREE Complimentary Health Checkup

1 Smart Health Checkup + 1 Basic Health checkup

In-Person Doctor Consultation

1 Free Dental Consult

MediBuddy Concierge Services

Available for all conditional management services

Personal Accident Cover

Primary Owner

Up to ₹1 Lakh

Complimentary Online Doctor Consultations

Monthly Blogs

Bi-Monthly Webinar & QnA (Health-Related)

Access to Exclusive Sessions

Avail discounts on all the Condition Management Programs

Complimentary Online Doctor Consultations

Exclusive Offers

Health Blogs, Onepagers etc (via WhatsApp)

Download the MediBuddy App

© 2024 Copyright MediBuddy. All Rights Reserved.

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